We are looking for decent roleplayers who are familiar with the current marvel illuminati. This illimuminati includes, Iron man, Mr. Fantastic, Beast, Black Bolt, Namor, Dr. Strange and Black Panther.

We are looking to fill in the needed roles. Our characters needed are the roles of Iron Man, Beast, Dr. Strange, and Mr. Fantastic. Please comment or contact @NamorSubmariner via Twitter.

***Update**** Our required members have been acquired.
The all star X-men are now accepting new members well versed in the x-men universe. If interested comment or contact @wolverinesnikt
The AS X-Men are looking for active Roleplayers who will be committed to being a team player and properly portraying their character.

Who we're looking for:
Emma Frost
Remy Lebeau aka Gambit
And, a permenant Piotr Rasputin aka Colossus

Other x-men characters are welcome if there slot is open.
Scott Summers: @ToMeMyXMen
Logan: @Wolverinesnikt
Ororo Munroe: @ElementalStorm_
Warren Worthington III: @RazorHalo/@Cheyarafim
Alison Blaire: @Blaire_x
Rogue: @ComaKisses
Betsy Braddock: @PsyBlades
Quinten Quire: @QuintaviusOmega
Hank McCoy: @AsxBeast
Kitty Pryde: @PrydeofKitty


@WolverineSnikt - Leader
@ToMeMyXMen - Leader

@ElementalStorm - Vice Leader
@RazorHalo - Vice Leader

@Comakisses - member
@Blaire_X - member
@PsyBlades - member


This RolePlay team will consist of the characters in the picture. It is heavily based off the upcoming Mighty Avengers series from Marvel Comics. As of now I am accepting RolePlayers who would be willing to RolePlay te roles. The following are the roles available and te roles taken:


Monica Rambeau

Power man

White Tiger


Luke Cage

Blue Marvel

Superior Spider-Man




All members are required to be well knowledged in RolePlay. They must use proper grammar, capitalization, spelling, etc. All action commands are to be put in these following signs: < >, **, [], --, {}. OOC(out of character) remarks are to be made within these signs: // //, or (( )). Stay in character as much as possible. Know your character well, including their history, personality, likes, dislikes, etc.
Sebastian Shaw and te Hellfire club attempt to infest France with a virus made up of nanotechnology. The X-Men assemble to stop them.