The AS X-Men are looking for active Roleplayers who will be committed to being a team player and properly portraying their character.

Who we're looking for:
Emma Frost
Remy Lebeau aka Gambit
And, a permenant Piotr Rasputin aka Colossus

Other x-men characters are welcome if there slot is open.
Daken Akihiro
7/31/2013 12:53:09 am

I want to join a good solid group. I've been RPing about 6 months but have been a marvel fan since I could walk. Daken has been my latest comic book series to have read. I waited to read his own personal series until I had caught up to that point in Logan's series.

8/4/2013 09:39:39 am

Just send in a solo and hopefully we can workout something out.


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